
Coming soon

Enabling secure downloads from the internet!

Asfaload lets users check the authenticity of the files they download.

Easy to deploy

Asfaload's solution integrates with you file publication, whatever your publishing platform.

Integrates with your current workflow

No need to overhaul your publishing workflow.

Secures already published files

You can provide Asfaload validation for files you already published.

Secure Github Releases

Developers can seemlessly provide authenticity checks of their Github Releases.

For publishers

Protect your users: people downloading your files can be sure they get untampered assets.

For consumers

Be sure you download files as published by their real authors.

Multi-factor publishing

Even if your publishing account is hacked, files published by a malevolent actor can be identified!

For small and big publishers

Our solutions are relevant to both solo publishers and bigger teams, publishing individual files or plenty of them.

Improve your reputation

Show your users you care for their security!